UrlMappings are a great feature for links, but do they also work for forms?
Suppose we have a mapping like this:
"/map/$a" {
a <g:link controller="form" action="show" params="[a:'test'] />
will now be rewritten as
<a href="/appname/map/test" />
But a form like this:
<g:form controller="form" action="show">
<g:textField name="a" />
will not have the same effect. It will result in requesting /appname/form/show?a=whatever
I know that a form can't be rewritten at HTML-creation time like a link - mainly because the value of the parameter is not known at this time, but I hoped that this URL would be redirected to the "nice" URL.
Is there a way to do stuff like that in grails? Or do I have to write my own redirect?
I guess I've found the answer:
URL-Rewriting seems only to work at the time when the HTML gets rendered. So
<g:form controller="form" action="show" params="[a:'test']">
<g:textField name="b" />
will result in /appname/map/test
. But that's not what I want - I want the URL to be rewritten when the form gets submitted.
So I came up with a redirect action:
class FormController {
def index() { }
def show() {
def submit() {
and I rewrite my form as
<g:form controller="form" action="submit">
<g:textField name="a" />
This seems to work great (at the cost of one redirect)