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androidexceptionmedia-player crashes without exception

The MediaPlayer makes my app freeze without throwing an exception when I pass corrupted audio files to it. Here's my code:

    if (this.mediaPlayer.isPlaying())

    this.mediaPlayer.setDataSource(this.currentSong.getFile() /* path string */);
catch (Exception e)
    Log.v("Oh snap", "MediaPlayer exception: " + e.toString());

What can I do about this? I need an exception to handle corrupted files properly. The test device is a Samsung Galaxy S2 running Android 2.3.6 and I'm targeting API level 8.

I'm not sure what's wrong with the corrupted flac files that I'm passing to the MediaPlayer. All I know is that they crash my app and the stock music player too, which shouldn't happen.


  • If it's a native crash there's very little you can do just from the Java layer. Check this answer for a slightly scary guide to the frightful hacking you'd need to do.