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NHibernate Criteria API error with create alias and a collection of projections

I'm tasked with generating a list of member data using the NHibernate Criteria API. I need to incorporate paging and filtering based on checkboxes in the UI. What makes this a bit more complex is that I'm not just fetching data from one entity, but this entity has a HasMany relationship to other entities.

I currently have an error:

Error executing multi Criteria: 
[SELECT DISTINCT TOP 1000 this_MemberID as y0_ 
 FROM _Members
 Left Outer Join _SubMemberTerms ON _SubMemberTerms.MemberID = this_.MemberID
 Left Outer Join _MemberTerms ON _MemberTerms.MemberID = this_.MemberID
 Left Outer Join _ScriptOption ON _ScriptOption.ID = _MemberTerms.ScriptOpID
 WHERE _MagazineID = 100
    (_ScriptOption.MagID IN (1234,5678,9101,.....) 
        OR _ScriptOption.MemberID IS NULL
        OR _ScriptOption.Active = 0)
    (_SubMemberTerms._ScriptOpID IN (1234,5678,9101,.....)
        OR _SubMemberTerms.ID IS NULL);]

The Inner exception is: The value \"5554302\" is not of type \"MyBusiness.MemberInfo\" and cannot be used in this generic collection. Parameter name: value.

Right now I'm just looking at the Member's ID because I commented every other projection in my projection list out. Otherwise the error would've stated "The Value \"System.object[]\"...

My Criteria Code:

var filteredList = CurrentSession.CreateCriteria<MemberInfo>("this_")
                   .Add(Projections.Alias(Projections.Property("ManagedMemberID"), "MemberID"))))
                   .Add(Restrictions.Eq("_MagazineID", (int)magID))
                   .CreateAlias("MemTermsList", "_MemberTerms", NHibernate.SqlCommand.JoinType.LeftOuterJoin)
                   .CreateAlias("_MemberTerms.ScriptOpInfo", "_ScriptOption", NHibernate.SqlCommand.JoinType.LeftOuterJoin)
                   .CreateAlias("SubTermsList", "_SubMemberTerms", NHibernate.SqlCommand.JoinType.LeftOuterJoin)

I also have a Criteria made for getting the count of the total query and not just the 1k returned. It's the same as the Criteria I made for filteredList.

//code for how I'm adding in the MagID's and ScriptOpId's
Disjunction magDisjunction = new Disjunction();
Disjunction subTermsDijunction = new Disjunction();
    magDisjunction.Add(Restrictions.In("_ScriptOption.MagID", (List<int>)selectedMags))
                  .Add(Restrictions.Eq("_MemberTerms.Active", false));

    subTermsDisjunction.Add(Restrictions.In("_SubMemberTerms.SciptOpID", (List<int>)selectedScriptOp))


var finishedList = filteredList.Future<MemberInfo>().ToList<MemberInfo>();
var count = listCount.FutureValue<int>().Value;

EDIT: I had a typo in my projections.Alias, switched form "MemberID", to "ManagedMemberID".


  • query filteredlist has

    .SetProjection(Projections.Distinct(Projections.ProjectionList().Add(Projections.Alias(Projections.Property("MemberID"), "MemberID"))))

    which is the same as


    which means that the query filteredlist returns MemberID but

    var finishedList = filteredList.Future<MemberInfo>().ToList<MemberInfo>();

    states that filteredList returns MemberInfo which results in the error


    the Future() is just a noop since you are calling ToList() immediatly. change it to

    var finishedList = filteredList.Future<int>();
    var count = listCount.FutureValue<int>();

    to get query batching


    I would get rid of the Projection and use

    int count = CriteriaUtil.Clone(query).SetProjection(Projections.RowCount()).FutureValue<int>();
    var results = query.Future<MemberInfo>();
    View.MemberCount = count.Value;  // executes both sql together here
    foreach (MemberInfo result in results)
        // do something with the result