What are some examples where Big-O notation[1] fails in practice?
That is to say: when will the Big-O running time of algorithms predict algorithm A to be faster than algorithm B, yet in practice algorithm B is faster when you run it?
Slightly broader: when do theoretical predictions about algorithm performance mismatch observed running times? A non-Big-O prediction might be based on the average/expected number of rotations in a search tree, or the number of comparisons in a sorting algorithm, expressed as a factor times the number of elements.
Despite what some of the answers say, the Big-O notation is meant to predict algorithm performance. That said, it's a flawed tool: it only speaks about asymptotic performance, and it blurs out the constant factors. It does this for a reason: it's meant to predict algorithmic performance independent of which computer you execute the algorithm on.
What I want to know is this: when do the flaws of this tool show themselves? I've found Big-O notation to be reasonably useful, but far from perfect. What are the pitfalls, the edge cases, the gotchas?
An example of what I'm looking for: running Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm with a Fibonacci heap instead of a binary heap, you get O(m + n log n) time versus O((m+n) log n), for n vertices and m edges. You'd expect a speed increase from the Fibonacci heap sooner or later, yet said speed increase never materialized in my experiments.
(Experimental evidence, without proof, suggests that binary heaps operating on uniformly random edge weights spend O(1) time rather than O(log n) time; that's one big gotcha for the experiments. Another one that's a bitch to count is the expected number of calls to DecreaseKey).
[1] Really it isn't the notation that fails, but the concepts the notation stands for, and the theoretical approach to predicting algorithm performance. </anti-pedantry>
On the accepted answer:
I've accepted an answer to highlight the kind of answers I was hoping for. Many different answers which are just as good exist :) What I like about the answer is that it suggests a general rule for when Big-O notation "fails" (when cache misses dominate execution time) which might also increase understanding (in some sense I'm not sure how to best express ATM).
One area where Big O fails is memory access patterns. Big O only counts operations that need to be performed - it can't keep track if an algorithm results in more cache misses or data that needs to be paged in from disk. For small N, these effects will typically dominate. For instance, a linear search through an array of 100 integers will probably beat out a search through a binary tree of 100 integers due to memory accesses, even though the binary tree will most likely require fewer operations. Each tree node would result in a cache miss, whereas the linear search would mostly hit the cache for each lookup.