Search code examples

Resharper Custom Patterns: Ignore property attributes

I am writing some Resarper Custom Patterns to warn us about some code constructs that need attention. One of these is replacing OnpropertyChanged("String") with a lambda variant OnPropertyChanged(() => propertyname)

The search Pattern I defined is:

 public $type$ $property$
            get { return $backingfield$; }
                if($backingfield$  != value) {
                    $backingfield$ = value;

This pattern is being replaced with:

public $type$ $property$
        get { return $backingfield$; }
            if($backingfield$  != value) {
                $backingfield$ = value;
                OnPropertyChanged(() => $property$);

Problem: When applying this, Resharper throws away the attributes defined on the property. This snippet:

public int Test
            get { return _Test; }
                if (_Test != value)
                    _Test = value;

gets replaced with

public int Test
            get { return _Test; }
                if (_Test != value)
                    _Test = value;
                    OnPropertyChanged(() => Test);

How can I preserve the attributes??

UPDATE: Adding a type placeholder derived from System.Attribute to both search and replace pattern fixes it partially.


Remaining problem is that the Attribute placeholder only matches one attribute, it fails on multiple attributes.


  • If you cannot get another solution there is a workaround.
    You use your Search pattern (without using replace pattern) to show the warnings. I think that works already.
    Then you create a Surround Template that replaces a string to ()=>PropName. See the picture for an example:

    enter image description here

    Then you have the warnings by Search pattern and the replacing by a Surround Template.
    The usage is: If you see the warning select the string, press Ctrl+E, Ctrl+U and select template String to func returning property.

    Of course the string selection is bothering. But that is the best that I have found out up to now.