I have created a code to find out the current logged in user belongs to a particular group or not but I am getting an error saying that
IsCurrentUserMemberOfGroup(gName1); contains some invalid arguments.
Please help ?
Here is my code
SPSite oSite = (SPSite)properties.OpenWeb().Site;
SPWeb oWeb = oSite.OpenWeb();
SPGroupCollection myGroup = oWeb.Groups;
foreach (SPGroup gName in myGroup)
//string gname1 = gName.ToString();
SPGroup gName1 = gName;
if (gName1.Name == "Final Approval Group")
//SPGroup lGroup = oWeb.Groups["Final Approval Group"];
bool answer = oWeb.IsCurrentUserMemberOfGroup(gName1);
fValue = 1;
Try using gName1.ID since IsCurrentUserMemberOfGroup takes an int argument.
SPGroupCollection myGroup = oWeb.Groups;
foreach (SPGroup gName in myGroup) {
//string gname1 = gName.ToString();
SPGroup gName1 = gName;
if (gName1.Name == "Final Approval Group") {
//SPGroup lGroup = oWeb.Groups["Final Approval Group"];
bool answer = oWeb.IsCurrentUserMemberOfGroup(gName1.ID);
fValue = 1; break;