I'm using middleman to do some rapid prototyping and can't for the life of me figure out how to include one HAML file into another HAML file.
I can include stuff in a layout file, but can't get one non-layout file to include another non-layout file. There are blocks of HTML that I want to reuse on some pages and I think I could do this. I've tried:
- render: partial=>"shared/nav.haml"
and none of these work.
Am I missing a config option or plugin? This is a fresh middleman install.
Partials may need file names that start with an underscore. My partial is placed in a folder called shared. The full name of the file is _nav.html.haml
This worked for me.
!= haml :"shared/_nav"
Example in context:
!= haml :"shared/_nav"
You may also use the format specified in the approved answer below.
I've been using HAML with MiddleMan and couldn't be happier. Here is what is working for me:
I have a file: source/_donate_buttons.h
%p= t('searching.donate_cover_costs')
= partial(:paypal_donate_button, :locals => {:amount => 1,
:amount_text => t('searching.donate_1')})
This uses the partial statement shown to include a file called source/_paypal_donate_button.html.haml
And I include the _donate_buttons.html.haml
file itself in a couple of places with:
= partial "donate_buttons"
though I think this could also be:
= partial :donate_buttons
I.e. I think partial
is the magic you're looking for.
And, just for completeness, here is a slightly stripped down _paypal_donate_button.haml
which shows how the paramaterization works there:
-btnclass = (locals.key?(:highlight) && locals[:highlight] ? "HighlightedDonationButton" : "DonationButton")
-btnstyle = locals.key?(:button_style) && locals[:button_style]
%form{:action => "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr", :method => "post"}
%input{:name => "business", :type => "hidden", :value => "[email protected]"}
%input{:name => "cmd", :type => "hidden", :value => "_donations"}
%input{:name => "amount", :type => "hidden", :value => "#{amount}.00"}
%input{:name => "currency_code", :type => "hidden", :value => "USD"}
%input{:class => btnclass, :alt => t('paypal.alt_text'),
:style => "cursor: pointer; font-size: 18px; #{btnstyle}", :type => "submit", :value => amount_text}
Fwiw, I don't think the file needs to be _filename.html.haml
and can instead be _filename.haml
. Also, I'm localizing these, so ignore the t('tagname') and just put strings there. (I didn't want to introduce an error copy-pasting the examples so I left them in there.)
Hope this helps!