Ok heres my problem. I have a form that when it is not maximised, its maximum size has to be the total height of the components inside the form. To achieve this, i use this:
private void resize_form(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.MaximumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(1000, this.panel4.Height + this.label2.Height + this.HeightMin);
That fires on the Resize event of the form. Because the component size is always changing it made sense to do this on a resize event. How ever if i want to maximise the form, the form just goes to the highest settings defined in this.MaximumSize. So i was wondering is there a way to tell when a form is going to be maximised and set its maximumsize to the screen boundarys before the form maximises.
If there is a better way to change the maximumsize value without resize event, that would also be great :)
I found the answer that suited me perfectly. A lil WndProc override :D (i love WndProc now)
protected override void WndProc(ref Message message)
const int WM_SYSCOMMAND = 0x0112;
const int SC_MAXIMIZE = 0xF030;
switch (message.Msg)
int command = message.WParam.ToInt32() & 0xfff0;
if (command == SC_MAXIMIZE)
this.maximize = true;
this.MaximumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(0, 0);
base.WndProc(ref message);
private void resize_form(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!maximize)
this.MaximumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(1000, this.panel4.Height + this.label2.Height + this.HeightMin);
Basically it sets this.maximize to true when it receives teh SC_MAXIMIZE message. The resize event will only set a new MaximumSize if this.maximize is set to false. Nifty xD