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R programming: How can I compute the difference between two cells in a data frame and save them in a new column

Trying to learn R and am stuck on an autocorrelation example. I want to regress the difference in x against the difference in y. I have x and y in a data frame, and would like the difference of x2 - x1 to be saved in a new column say dx. I have no idea how to go about this.

what I have:


x   y
5   3
8   9
3   1
1   5
.   .
.   .
.   .

what I would like to get:


x   y   dx   dy
5   3   NA   NA
8   9    3    6
3   1   -5   -8
1   5   -2    4
.   .    .    .
.   .    .    .


  • Use diff, and stick an NA to the beginning of the resulting vectors.


    data1 <- read.table(text='  x y
    1 5 3
    2 8 9
    3 3 1
    4 1 5')
    # diff calculates the difference between consecutive pairs of 
    #  vector elements
    [1]  3 -5 -2
    # apply diff to each column of data1, bind an NA row to the beginning,
    #  and bind the resulting columns to the original df
    data1.dif <- cbind(data1, rbind(NA, apply(data1, 2, diff)))
    names(data1.dif) <- c('x', 'y', 'dx', 'dy')
      x y dx dy
    1 5 3 NA NA
    2 8 9  3  6
    3 3 1 -5 -8
    4 1 5 -2  4