do you know how I can initialize the variable ret below ?
type ReferenceDataResponse =
{ ResponseError : ResponseError option
SecurityDatas : SecurityData array option }
let ToReferenceDataResponse(elem:Bloomberglp.Blpapi.Element) =
let ret = { ResponseError = null ; SecurityDatas = null }
if elem.HasElement("ResponseError") then
ps : I imagine I have somehow to declare my record values mutable
As mentioned in the comment, I had a previous usage of None before in my code :
type ZeroOrMany<'a> =
| Many of 'a array
| None
That created a new definition for the symbol 'None' which was hiding the "Option.None" I was trying to refer to here.
You want None
instead of null
As for updating fields, you can mark them mutable
or use copy-and-update expressions: let newRet = { ret with ResponseError = Some(error) }
. Which one you use depends on if you need persistence.