I have local folder that is branch from formal_versions. My workflow is:
them in his local branch. push
its local branch to formal_versionspull
to make my local branch identical to formal_versions This is working fine. However what should I do in the following scenario:
from formal_versions , I compile the code. As a result , some workspace and obj file are changed (I.E date and time of compilation) and of cource , bazaar explorer inform me on modified filesI again want to make my branch mirror of formal version. What should I do?
A. Why using pull
again says that "nothing to pull" even if
I use --overwrite switch ? it is suppose to make my local branch as mirror of the pulled branch...
B. Is my only option is to use revert working tree?
It is generally considered best practice (as well as good for one's sanity) not to version files that are the result of the build process. Executables, shared libraries, and even source files generated from by a 4GL are examples. You can ignore files by using bzr ignore <pattern>
, for example bzr ignore *.exe
. If the files are already versioned, you will also have to remove them using bzr remove
bzr pull
says there is nothing to pull because the formal version has had no new commits since your last pull.
If you must version the files in question, bzr revert
is the only way I know of when bzr pull
does not find new revisions. If there had been new revisions in the formal branch, the files should be updated (and will potentially be reported as conflicts).