Is there anyway to have more control over Report Manager, is seems bizzare for such a sophisticated product to allow next to no control over the report manager section other than rename folders and place reports and report parts in these folders, as far as im aware I cannot even move them around and place them in any sort of order.
It would be nice if I could change the colour of folders and move them around freely.
Does anyone have any customization tips or control suggestions I may have missed for giving more control over this area to developers?
You can mess around a little bit with the SSRS stylesheets, but no, customization of Report Manager is not supported. SSRS is about the reports. Any sophisticated control or UI of the reports is beyond the scope of the SSRS product. On the other hand, there are some sophisticated JQuery techniques that could work for this sort of page manipulation if you want to dive into the Report Manager page structure.
(Stylesheets are at Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportManager\Styles in a default 2008 R2 install. Customization is not supported.)
I suspect that the use of Report Manager (as a percentage of total SSRS users) is far beyond what was originally imagined for the product. It is called the Report Manager, after all.
Consuming the web service in .NET or using URL report access are straightforward methods to deliver the reports through any interface you can build.