This is the smallest snippet I've been able to get to reproduce the issue.
Sub Main()
u = getStringFromKeyboard("Enter username")
p = getStringFromKeyboard("Enter password")
End Sub
Function getStringFromKeyboard(message = "" As String) As String
result = ""
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
screen = CreateObject("roKeyboardScreen")
screen.AddButton(1, "OK")
while true
print "waiting..."
msg = wait(0, port)
print "done waiting"
if type(msg) = "roKeyboardScreenEvent" then
if msg.GetIndex() = 1 then
result = screen.GetText()
exit while
end if
end if
end while
return result
End Function
The Roku will prompt correctly for the username, but will just exit to the main menu before prompting for the password. The debug output indicates that the app is borking on the second call to wait():
done waiting
This is SDK v4.1 and OS v4.2.1006.
Anybody have an idea what is going on?
Answer from user gonzotek on the Roku developer forums:
Create a facade screen. The roku exits the app immediately after the last screen is closed. You create the first keyboard screen and also close it in the getStringFromKeyboard function, and since there are no other screens open at that moment, that's when the Roku kills the app. See RokuKevin's explanation here: viewtopic.php?p=162550#p162550 (note: he refers to 'screen flickering', which may have been true when he wrote it, but nowadays it's a requirement to have a screen always stuck open at the back of your stack for the life of your app: viewtopic.php?p=321402#p321402).