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Android DOM parsing is tooo slow

I am trying to parse an web response with DOM parser like this:

public static Document parseDocument(InputStream sr) throws Exception {
    DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    Document xdoc = dbf.newDocumentBuilder().parse(new InputSource(sr));
    return xdoc;

The problem is that

Document xdoc = dbf.newDocumentBuilder().parse(new InputSource(sr));

takes 3 min to be executed. My xml file has 3800 lines. Is than normaé and how to improve this?

Thank you.


  • This is too big for DOM parsing in android. Memory consumption and object allocation is porhobitive. SAX asin previous answer is workable solution, but Pull-Parser ( also contained in android APIs ) is better and more modern choice, as it is easier to program ( with SAX parser drives procesing and pushes XML events ti your handler, while XPP it is your application driving parser and pulling xml events out of stream )

    Even better choice would be some lightweight data binding framework built on top of pull parser - jackson, xstream etc. They will deliver just objects - s you do not have to worry about xml parsing at all