I generated this Minimum Spanning Tree using Kruskal algorithm and I have a hard time generating paths between two nodes. Can someone help me with pseudocode? I tried using Adjacency List and Adjaceny matrix
Loc1 | Loc2 | Distance
02 | 10 | 2.00 Km
05 | 07 | 5.39 Km
02 | 09 | 5.83 Km
04 | 05 | 5.83 Km
06 | 08 | 5.83 Km
03 | 09 | 7.07 Km
01 | 04 | 11.18 Km
07 | 09 | 11.18 Km
07 | 08 | 15.81 Km
Total Weight = 70.12 Km
If you just want any path between two nodes, a Breadth First Search would do, and would generate the shortest path (because its a minimum spanning tree).