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How to keep string data for having best performance when selecting string list via LINQ by StartsWith and EndsWith queries

Now the question is pretty hard. I have a linq queries like the way below

var lstSimilars = from similarWords in lstAllWords

where similarWords.StartsWith(srWordLocal)

select similarWords;

foreach (string srVar in lstSimilars)
string srTempWord = srVar.Replace(srWordLocal, "");
if (dtWords.ContainsKey(srTempWord) == true)
csWords.updateSplitWord(srWordLocal + ";" + srTempWord, dtWords[srVar]);

lstSimilars = from similarWords in lstAllWords

where similarWords.EndsWith(srWordLocal)

select similarWords;

foreach (string srVar in lstSimilars)
string srTempWord = srVar.Replace(srWordLocal, "");
if (dtWords.ContainsKey(srTempWord) == true)
csWords.updateSplitWord(srWordLocal + ";" + srTempWord, dtWords[srVar]);

Now lstAllWords is a string list variable generated like the way below

        List<string> lstAllWords = new List<string>();

        for (int i = 0; i < dsWordsSplit.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)

My question is how should i keep that Words data for having best LINQ selection performance. I mean currently i am keeping it as a string list. But can i keep it different way and have better performance ?

dtWords is a dictionary object

C# C#-4.0 LINQ


  • If all you want is efficiently finding words that start or end with given substring, employing the SortedSet will help you do that in O(log(N)) time.

    The idea is to put words in two SortedSets:

    • one for original words and
    • the other for reversed words.

    Toy implementation:

    class WordSet {
        public WordSet(IEnumerable<string> words) {
            m_OriginalWords = new SortedSet<string>(words);
            m_ReverseWords = new SortedSet<string>(words.Select(ReverseString));
        /// <summary>
        ///     Finds all words that start with given prefix.
        /// </summary>
        public IEnumerable<string> FindPrefix(string prefix) {
            return FindImp(m_OriginalWords, prefix);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Finds all words that end with the given suffix.
        /// </summary>
        public IEnumerable<string> FindSuffix(string suffix) {
            return FindImp(m_ReverseWords, ReverseString(suffix)).Select(ReverseString);
        static IEnumerable<string> FindImp(SortedSet<string> word_set, string s) {
            if (s.CompareTo(word_set.Max) <= 0) {
                foreach (string word in word_set.GetViewBetween(s, word_set.Max)) {
                    if (!word.StartsWith(s))
                    yield return word;
        static string ReverseString(string src) {
            return new string(src.Reverse().ToArray());
        readonly SortedSet<string> m_OriginalWords;
        readonly SortedSet<string> m_ReverseWords;
    class Program {
        static void TestImp(string s, IEnumerable<string> words) {
            foreach (var word in words) {
        static void TestPrefix(WordSet word_set, string prefix) {
            TestImp(prefix, word_set.FindPrefix(prefix));
        static void TestSuffix(WordSet word_set, string suffix) {
            TestImp(suffix, word_set.FindSuffix(suffix));
        static void Main(string[] args) {
            var word_set = new WordSet(
                new[] {
            TestPrefix(word_set, "a");
            TestPrefix(word_set, "b");
            TestPrefix(word_set, "ba");
            TestPrefix(word_set, "bb");
            TestPrefix(word_set, "bc");
            TestSuffix(word_set, "a");
            TestSuffix(word_set, "b");
            TestSuffix(word_set, "ba");
            TestSuffix(word_set, "bb");
            TestSuffix(word_set, "bc");

    This prints:

    a       a
    b       b       ba      baa     bab     bba     bbb     bbc
    ba      ba      baa     bab
    bb      bba     bbb     bbc
    a       a       baa     ba      bba
    b       b       bab     bbb
    ba      ba      bba
    bb      bbb
    bc      bbc

    If you have to search for infixes as well, then the above is not enough - you'll need a suffix tree or array, but this is no picnic implementing correctly and efficiently.

    BTW, If the data happens to be in the database, you can let the DBMS do essentially the same thing by:

    • creating a computed column or virtual column that is reverse of the original word column,
    • indexing both original word column and the reversed word column (or, alternatively, using a function-based index if that's what your DBMS supports).
    • querying for prefix as: ORIGINAL_WORD_COLUMN LIKE 'pefix%'
    • and for suffix as: REVERSED_WORD_COLUMN LIKE 'reversed_suffix%'.