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Customize review page totals text (shipping & handling (flat rate - fixed))

On the review order page in onepage checkout in magento I want to shorten the "Shipping & Handling (Flat Rate - Fixed)" text (see I want it to just read "Shipping & Handling" and remove the carrier/delivery type written in brackets

How can I do that? It's rendered with $this->renderTotals(null, $_colspan);, which gives me shipping cost+sub total. I don't know where to start from here.


  • Here is an implementation that I have done. This is a standard override ( I did it this way so as to not get too deep into the overriding system.

    class Your_Company_Model_Address_Total_Shipping extends Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Shipping
         * Collect totals information about shipping
         * @param   Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address
         * @return  Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Shipping
        public function collect(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address)
            $method = $address->getShippingMethod();
            if ($method) {
                foreach ($address->getAllShippingRates() as $rate) {
                    if ($rate->getCode()==$method) {
                        $shippingDescription = $rate->getMethodTitle();
                        if (stripos($shippingDescription, ",") > -1)
                            $shippingDescription = substr($shippingDescription, 0, stripos($shippingDescription, ","));
                        $address->setShippingDescription(trim($shippingDescription, ' -'));
            return $this;