I have a MultiView with several Views within it. When the ActiveView changes I want to selectively databind a label that is in one of the views. Ideally, I don't want to do it every time the ActiveView changes, rather only when it is actually the view containing the label that is active. I tried something like this:
Private Sub MultiView1_ActiveViewChanged(sender as Object, e as System.EventArgs) Handles MultiView1.ActiveViewChanged
Dim varView as String = MultiView1.GetActiveView.ToString
If varView = "vwExisting" Then
' Code to update label here with latest databind.
End If
End Sub
Now, MultiView1.GetActiveView.ToString doesn't return the value I'm looking for, does anyone know what will?
The GetActiveView Method returns a View Class, not a string. Try this...
If MultiView1.GetActiveView.ID = "vwExisting" Then
End If