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How to sort the selection, when i sort the underlying list, of a ListView in virtual mode?

When a ListView is in virtual mode, you are responsible for feeding the ListView a ListItem corresponding to index n when it asks through the OnRetrieveItem event.

i sort my list according to my own rules, and tell the listview to repaint:


That's fine and dandy.

Except when the user has selected some items. Now when the tree repaints, different items are selected.

What is the technique to sort SelectedIndices?

But if i sort my own personal list


  • You'll need to store the selected objects, sort, find the objects by their new indices and reselect them.

    The code could look something like this (optimize it as you see fit):

    void listView1_ColumnClick( object sender, ColumnClickEventArgs args )
        // Store the selected objects
        List<MyDataObject> selectedObjects = new List<MyDataObject>();
        foreach ( int index in listView1.SelectedIndices )
            selectedObjects.Add( m_MyDataObjectsColl[index] );
        // Clear all selected indices
        // Sort the list
        SortListView(listView1, args);
        // Reselect the objects according to their new indices
        foreach ( MyDataObject selectedObject in selectedObjects )
            int index = m_MyDataObjectsColl.FindIndex(
                    delegate( MyDataObject obj ) { return obj == selectedObject; }
            listView1.SelectedIndices.Add( index );