I have a spark TabBar and I want to hide and show some elements of it from an external user input (namely a checkbox check)
I am having trouble changing the tabs visibility. They are currently always shown.
Does anyone have any idea? I have seen a getTabAt on the mx TabBar but the look of the tab is important and the requirement is for it to look like a tab bar rather than a button bar.
My code for the tabs and for hiding and showing is below:
import mx.containers.VBox;
import mx.controls.Label;
private function onCreationComplete():void {
var vbox1:VBox = new VBox();
vbox1.label = "Tab 1";
var lbl1:Label = new Label()
lbl1.text = "Panel1";
var vbox2:VBox = new VBox();
vbox2.label = "Tab 2";
var lbl2:Label = new Label()
lbl2.text = "Panel 2";
private function showTab(event:MouseEvent):void {
private function hideTab(event:MouseEvent):void {
private function makeVisible(vis:Boolean):void {
VBox(dp.getChildAt(0)).visible = vis;
VBox(dp.getChildAt(0)).enabled = vis;
VBox(dp.getChildAt(0)).includeInLayout = vis;
<s:TabBar id="tabNavigator" width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{dp}"/>
<mx:ViewStack width="100%" height="100%" id="dp" borderStyle="solid"/>
<s:Button click="showTab(event)" label="show Tab"/>
<s:Button click="hideTab(event)" label="hide Tab"/>
Any advice greatly received
This function will hide a tab at a particular index. If you do not have the includeInLayout then the tab disappears and leaves a hole.
private function setTabEnabled(index:int, enabled:Boolean):void {
var theTab:UIComponent = tabNavigator.dataGroup.getElementAt(index) as UIComponent;
if (theTab)
theTab.visible = enabled;
theTab.includeInLayout = enabled;