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What does the ? mean when outputting a string using printf and is strcmp supposed to return a zero for matches (in C)?

Point of HW is it should read this from a file:

int func(int arg) { int x = 7; char c = 'a'; arg = x + c; return arg; }

and output this:

func, arg, x, c
//or optionally also the next line
int, char, return

So my issue is on getting question marks on my output for characters that should be appearing, and strcmp is not returning a zero for my if statement which requires it to work (note: I have a lot of comments and printf's to help me figure out where I am going wrong):

while((d=fgetc(function_file)) != EOF) {
    //start by checking for any defines and just looping until a new line character comes up
    if( d == '#')
        flag = true;

    if((d == '\n') && (flag)){
        //flag which says if I am searching for a newline but only after a define/include 
        //was found will I say the flag is not needed anymore to allow normal parsing
        flag = false;
    } //end of check for a define function

    if( (flag == false) && (d != '#') ) {

        //this is where the main chunk of code goes to do all the parsing
        if((d != ' ') && (d != '\t') && (d !='\n') && (d != '{') && (d != '}') && (d != '(') && (d != ')') && (d != '*') && (d != '=') && (d != '+')) {

            printf("Character read is : %c\n", d);
            start = true;
            temp[count] = c;

    }//end of main chunk of code
        if((start == true) && ((d == ' ') || (d == '(') || (d == ')') || (d == '{') || (d == '}'))) {
            //end a string and compare it hear
            if(match == false) {
            temp[count] = '\0';
        printf("String: %s\n", temp);//*********************************DEBUGGING***********

            start = false;
            int compare;
            for(compare = 0; compare < key_counter; compare++) {
                int optimus;
                optimus = strcmp(keywords[compare], temp); //************** ONE OF THE ERRORS IS HERE***************************************?
                if(optimus == 0){
                    //printf("this is actually runnning");//*********************************DEBUGGING***********
                    int len = strlen(temp);
                    bizarro_keywords[bizarro_key_counter] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (len +1));
                    memcpy(bizarro_keywords[bizarro_key_counter], temp, len +1);
                    printf("\nWhats inside bizarro_key_counter right after it is allocated memory: %s", bizarro_keywords[bizarro_key_counter]);
                    match = true;


            int x;
            for(x = 0; x < count; x++)
                temp[x] = '\0';
            count = 0;

        } else { //if match equals true just grab the next available string 
            //printf("is this one ever running?");
            temp[count] = '\0';
            start = false;
            printf("String: %s\n", temp);

                    int len = strlen(temp);
                    identifiers[iden_counter] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (len +1));
                    memcpy(identifiers[iden_counter], temp, len +1);
                    match = false;

                    int x;
                    for(x = 0; x < count; x++)
                        temp[x] = '\0';
                    count = 0;


}//end of while loop for reading the whole file

This is my output:

Character read is : i
Character read is : n
Character read is : t
String: ???
Character read is : f
Character read is : u
Character read is : n
Character read is : c
String: ????
Character read is : i
Character read is : n
Character read is : t
String: ???
Character read is : a
Character read is : r
Character read is : g
String: ???
Character read is : i
Character read is : n
Character read is : t
String: ???
Character read is : x
String: ?
Character read is : 7
Character read is : ;
String: ??
Character read is : c
Character read is : h
Character read is : a
Character read is : r
String: ????
Character read is : c
String: ?
Character read is : '
Character read is : a
Character read is : '
Character read is : ;
String: ????
Character read is : a
Character read is : r
Character read is : g
String: ???
Character read is : x
String: ?
Character read is : c
Character read is : ;
String: ??
Character read is : r
Character read is : e
Character read is : t
Character read is : u
Character read is : r
Character read is : n
String: ??????
Character read is : a
Character read is : r
Character read is : g
Character read is : ;
String: ????

I am new to C, and I am lost as to why I am getting that output. Hints please.


  • From what I understand you just want to read line from the input file and split it into tokens. You could use strtok function instead of reading characters from the file:

    char* keywords[] = { "int", "char", "return" };
    int i = 0, j, keywordsCount = 3;
    FILE* f = fopen("a.txt", "r");
    char line[1000], *token;
    while (fgets(line, 1000, f) != NULL) // read line
        char* token = strtok(line, " \t\n{}()*+=,;");
        while (token != NULL)
            printf("String %d:%s", i++, token);
            for (j = 0; j < keywordsCount; ++j)
                if (strcmp(token, keywords[j]) == 0)
                    printf(" <-- Look, it's keyword!");
                    break; // breaks for, not while
            token = strtok(NULL, " \t\n{}()*+=,;");

    Note that I use '\n' character in delimiters string because fgets function reads line into buffer that will include '\n' at the end.

    Content of file a.txt:

    int func(int arg) { int x = 7; char c = 'a'; arg = x + c; return arg; }


    String 0:int <-- Look, it's keyword!
    String 1:func
    String 2:int <-- Look, it's keyword!
    String 3:arg
    String 4:int <-- Look, it's keyword!
    String 5:x
    String 6:7
    String 7:char <-- Look, it's keyword!
    String 8:c
    String 9:'a'
    String 10:arg
    String 11:x
    String 12:c
    String 13:return <-- Look, it's keyword!
    String 14:arg