I want to define a boost fusion::vector in my class with the size defined by a template parameter. ATM I'm doing this with a specialization of a helper class, but I think there should be a way to do this with boost mpl/fusion or something else in just one line.
namespace detail
template<int dim, typename T>
struct DimensionTupleSize
{ };
template <typename T>
struct DimensionTupleSize<1>
enum { Dimension = 1 }
typedef boost::fusion::vector<T> type;
template <typename T>
struct DimensionTupleSize<2>
enum { Dimension = 2 }
typedef boost::fusion::vector<T, T> type;
template <typename T>
struct DimensionTupleSize<3>
enum { Dimension = 3 }
typedef boost::fusion::vector<T, T, T> type;
template<int Dim = 2>
class QuadTreeLevel
detail::DimensionTupleSize<Dim>::type tpl;
Any ideas?
You can do it recursively :
template<int N, class T> struct DimensionTupleSizeImpl
typedef typename DimensionTupleSizeImpl<N-1,T>::type base;
typedef typename boost::fusion::result_of::push_back<base,T>::type type;
template<class T> struct DimensionTupleSizeImpl<0,T>
typedef boost::fusion::vector<> type;
template<int N, class T>
struct DimensionTupleSize
: boost::fusion::result_of::
as_vector<typename DimensionTupleSizeImpl<N,T>::type>