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DbDataReader error: Invalid attempt to call Read when reader is closed

Hi I am trying to get return the DataReader from a method but it returns a closed DbDataReader object there. Any Idea to sort out this issue. I am open to any suggestions to make the code better.


UPDATE I don't want to leave the Database connection Open. is there any way to return the open DataReader after closing the connection.

internal DbDataReader ExecuteReader(SqlCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior, string connectionString)
    DbDataReader dataReader = null;
      SqlConnection connection = GetConnection(connectionString);
      command.Connection = connection;
      command.CommandTimeout = 60;
      dataReader = command.ExecuteReader(behavior);
    return dataReader;


  • It's closed because you closed the database connection. It can't read data from a closed SqlConnection. If you want to reuse the connection you may pass an OPEN connection to the method and the close the connection after you consumed data from the DbDataReader.