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Entity framework strings using greater than operator

How do I make this query work like it does in sql? In sql I can use < and > operators on strings.

I've been googling this for about 20 minutes and have found no solution yet.

I cannot convert r.ExemptionCode to an integer as it may have values like '91A,9AA,ZZZ,Z01'

from r in results
where (r.ExemptionCode > "900"  || r.ExemptionCode == "701" || r.ExemptionCode == "702" || r.ExemptionCode == "721" || r.ExemptionCode == "724")
select r


  • Try using .CompareTo():

    from r in results
    where (r.ExemptionCode.CompareTo("900") > 0  || r.ExemptionCode == "701" || r.ExemptionCode == "702" ||     r.ExemptionCode == "721" || r.ExemptionCode == "724")
    select r