Is it possible for to sql inject a ZEND_DB_TABLE_ABSTRACT
like for example
edit for a more clearer explanation
Post values are :
'username' = 'admin';
'password' = '1;Drop table users;'
Here is the insert statement in the controller:
public function InsertAction() {
$postValues = $this->_request->getPost();
$usersTable = new Application_Models_DbTable_Users();
$username = $postValues['username'];
$password = $postValues['password'];
$data = array('username'=>$username,'password'=>$password);
Yes, it is possible, but in the usual uses of insert()
it's not probable. Unless you are using Zend_Db_Expr
, you should be safe, because insert()
uses prepared statements.
See this post from Bill Karwin for other methods and details.