Grails 1.3.7
I get this strange error when I try to invoke my named query. It is defined as follows;
containsQuery { query ->
ilike("name", '%' + query + '%')
ilike("description", '%' + query + '%')
ilike("token", '%' + query + '%')
the error I get is:
Error 500: Executing action [list] of controller [net.turkino.tokenadmin.reg.ItemController] caused exception: duplicate association path: tokens
Servlet: grails
URI: /grails/item/list.dispatch
Exception Message: duplicate association path: tokens
Caused by: duplicate association path: tokens
Class: ItemController
At Line: [75]
and 75th line is:
items = itemQueryResult.listDistinct(params)
where itemQueryResult is
itemQueryResult = Item.belongsToOwner(SecurityUtils.subject.principal).containsQuery(params.q)
what is the problem? Am I not allowed to use tokens in my namedQuery ?
UPDATE: info about domain classes involved:
class Item{
... // a lot of fields
static hasMany = [ tokens:TokenTag]
static belongsTo = [owner: User]
static mappedBy = [ tokens: 'item' ]
static mapping = { tokens lazy:false }
... // constraints to fields, named queries etc.
static namedQueries = {
belongsToOwner { email ->
eq("email", email)
class TokenTag{
... // fields
String token
String tokenAsQRString
Item item
... // other fields
static belongsTo = [tagSheet:TokenTagSheet]
I located a JIRA issue which might explain this behavior. This was fixed in 2.0-M2. Possibly you have a sort parameter 'tokens' or 'tokens.token' in 'params'.
You could possibly remove the sort parameter and see if it resolves your issue. If you absolutely need to sort by 'tokens', consider upgrading the Grails version or patch up the current version with the fix in the above issue.