I have a Windows Template Library CListViewCtrl in report mode (so there is a header with 2 columns) with owner data set. This control displays search results. If no results are returned I want to display a message in the listbox area that indicates that there were no results. Is there an easy way to do this? Do you know of any existing controls/sample code (I couldn't find anything).
Otherwise, if I subclass the control to provide this functionality what would be a good approach?
I ended up subclassing the control and handling OnPaint like this:
class MsgListViewCtrl : public CWindowImpl< MsgListViewCtrl, WTL::CListViewCtrl >
std::wstring m_message;
MsgListViewCtrl(void) {}
void Attach( HWND hwnd )
SubclassWindow( hwnd );
void SetStatusMessage( const std::wstring& msg )
m_message = msg;
void OnPaint( HDC hDc )
SetMsgHandled( FALSE );
if( GetItemCount() == 0 )
if( !m_message.empty() )
CRect cRect, hdrRect;
GetClientRect( &cRect );
this->GetHeader().GetClientRect( &hdrRect );
cRect.top += hdrRect.Height() + 5;
SIZE size;
WTL::CDCHandle handle = this->BeginPaint( &ps );
handle.SelectFont( this->GetFont() );
handle.GetTextExtent( m_message.c_str(), (int)m_message.length(), &size );
cRect.bottom = cRect.top + size.cy;
handle.DrawText( m_message.c_str(), -1, &cRect, DT_CENTER | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER );
this->EndPaint( &ps );
SetMsgHandled( TRUE );
After the search runs, if there are no results, I call SetStatusMessage and the message is displayed centered under the header. That's what I wanted. I'm kind of a newbie at subclassing controls so I'm not sure if this is the best solution.