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Change directory of FileList when referencing it

I want to change the base directory of a FileList when referencing it later in my buildfile.

I define the following FileList:

<filelist dir="./dev" id="sourceFiles">
    <file name="files/file.php" />
    <file name="files/class.php" />
    <file name="files/functions.php" />

And my targets are the following

<target name="fetch">
    <copy todir="./src/files">
        <filelist refid="sourceFiles" />

<target name="build" depends="fetch">
    <replaceregexp match="(\d+.\d+.\d+)(.\d+)?" replace="\1.${build.number}">
        <filelist refid="sourceFiles" />

So, when using the replaceregexp task, it will use the files located in ./dev - but I want the task to replace in the files copied earlier that are now located in ./src.

Of course, I could copy the file list and use another dir, but I'd very much like to only hold the list of files once in my buildfile.

How can I achieve this?


  • I think what you're looking for is a mapper within the copy command as follows:

    <project name="demo" default="copy">
        <property name="build.number" value="1.0.1"/>
        <target name="copy">
            <copy todir="build">
                <fileset dir="src"/>
                <regexpmapper from="^(.*)\.txt$" to="\1.${build.number}"/>
        <target name="clean">
            <delete dir="build"/>

    Here's my test files

    |-- build
    |   `-- files
    |       |-- one
    |       |   |-- file1.1.0.1
    |       |   `-- file2.1.0.1
    |       `-- two
    |           `-- file3.1.0.1
    |-- build.xml
    `-- src
        `-- files
            |-- one
            |   |-- file1.txt
            |   `-- file2.txt
            `-- two
                `-- file3.txt