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Dapper dot net query in F#

I'm trying to use Dapper dot net in F# to perform a simple SQLite query. Dapper returns a collection of dynamic objects: using them in C# is straightforward, but from what I understood F# has no dynamic property lookup implementation out-of-the-box.

This is working but I suppose there are better ways to do this without resorting to reflection:

let (?) x prop =
    let flags = BindingFlags.GetProperty ||| BindingFlags.InvokeMethod
    x.GetType().InvokeMember(prop, flags, null, x, [||])

let doQuery () =
    let conn = new SQLiteConnection (connString)
    conn.Open ()

    conn.Query("select first_name from customers")
        |> (fun c -> c ? first_name)
        |> List.ofSeq

What is the best way to implement the ? operator in this case?


  • This thread consists of several solutions for your problem. Especially, FSharp.Interop.Dynamic is available on NuGet and ready to use.