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asp.netchartsradar-chart Radar chart. Show lines instead of filled area

I am using the radar chart and I am trying to get it to show with just lines rather than filled area.

This image has an example of something similar to what I am looking for. The image on the left is the preview from VS of the current chart. The one on the right is what I want it to look like (just lines)

My html for my chart is as follows:

<asp:Chart ID="Chart1" runat="server" Palette="Bright">
    <asp:Series Name="Series1" ChartType="Radar">
    <asp:Series Name="Series2" ChartType="Radar">
    <asp:Series Name="Series3" ChartType="Radar">
    <asp:Series Name="Series4" ChartType="Radar">
    <asp:ChartArea Name="ChartArea1" BackColor="White" BorderColor="Transparent" BorderWidth="0">
            <MajorGrid LineColor="lightgray" />

Is there a way to adapt this so it shows without the filled area or does the chart not have this option? I can't seem to find an option.


I have done much more searching and have found this, it talks about "RadarDrawingStyle" I am unsure as yet how to apply this to my html.


  • Ok, I have found I need to set it like this:

     Chart1.Series[0]["RadarDrawingStyle"] = "Line";

    I was hoping to set it in the html but there doesn't seem a way