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How can I have output from one named pipe fed back into another named pipe?

I'm adding some custom logging functionality to a bash script, and can't figure out why it won't take the output from one named pipe and feed it back into another named pipe.

Here is a basic version of the script (


PROGNAME=$(basename $(readlink -f $0))

# program output to log file and optionally echo to screen (if $1 is "-e")
log () {
  if [ "$1" = '-e' ]; then 
    $@ > $PIPE_ECHO 2>&1 
    $@ > $PIPE_LOG 2>&1 

# create named pipes if not exist
if [[ ! -p $PIPE_LOG ]]; then 
  mkfifo -m 600 $PIPE_LOG
if [[ ! -p $PIPE_ECHO ]]; then 
  mkfifo -m 600 $PIPE_ECHO

# cat pipe data to log file
while read data; do
  echo -e "$PROGNAME: $data" >> $LOG 
done < $PIPE_LOG &

# cat pipe data to log file & echo output to screen
while read data; do
  echo -e "$PROGNAME: $data"
  log echo $data   # this doesn't work
  echo -e $data > $PIPE_LOG 2>&1   # and neither does this
  echo -e "$PROGNAME: $data" >> $LOG   # so I have to do this
done < $PIPE_ECHO &

# clean up temp files & pipes
clean_up () {
  # remove named pipes
  rm -f $PIPE_LOG
  rm -f $PIPE_ECHO
#execute "clean_up" on exit
trap "clean_up" EXIT 

log echo "Log File Only"
log -e echo "Echo & Log File"

I thought the commands on line 34 & 35 would take the $data from $PIPE_ECHO and output it to the $PIPE_LOG. But, it doesn't work. Instead I have to send that output directly to the log file, without going through the $PIPE_LOG.

Why is this not working as I expect?

EDIT: I changed the shebang to "bash". The problem is the same, though.

SOLUTION: A.H.'s answer helped me understand that I wasn't using named pipes correctly. I have since solved my problem by not even using named pipes. That solution is here:


  • it seems to me, you do not understand what a named pipe really is. A named pipe is not one stream like normal pipes. It is a series of normal pipes, because a named pipe can be closed and a close on the producer side is might be shown as a close on the consumer side.

    The might be part is this: The consumer will read data until there is no more data. No more data means, that at the time of the read call no producer has the named pipe open. This means that multiple producer can feed one consumer only when there is no point in time without at least one producer. Think of it of door which closes automatically: If there is a steady stream of people keeping the door always open either by handing the doorknob to the next one or by squeezing multiple people through it at the same time, the door is open. But once the door is closed it stays closed.

    A little demonstration should make the difference a little clearer:

    Open three shells. First shell:

    1> mkfifo xxx
    1> cat xxx

    no output is shown because cat has opened the named pipe and is waiting for data.

    Second shell:

    2> cat > xxx 

    no output, because this cat is a producer which keeps the named pipe open until we tell him to close it explicitly.

    Third shell:

    3> echo Hello > xxx

    This producer immediately returns.

    First shell:


    The consumer received data, wrote it and - since one more consumer keeps the door open, continues to wait.

    Third shell

    3> echo World > xxx

    First shell:


    The consumer received data, wrote it and - since one more consumer keeps the door open, continues to wait.

    Second Shell: write into the cat > xxx window:

    And good bye!
    (control-d key)

    First shell

    And good bye!

    The ^D key closed the last producer, the cat > xxx, and hence the consumer exits also.

    In your case which means:

    • Your log function will try to open and close the pipes multiple times. Not a good idea.
    • Both your while loops exit earlier than you think. (check this with (while ... done < $PIPE_X; echo FINISHED; ) &
    • Depending on the scheduling of your various producers and consumers the door might by slam shut sometimes and sometimes not - you have a race condition built in. (For testing you can add a sleep 1 at the end of the log function.)
    • You "testcases" only tries each possibility once - try to use them multiple times (you will block, especially with the sleeps ), because your producer might not find any consumer.

    So I can explain the problems in your code but I cannot tell you a solution because it is unclear what the edges of your requirements are.