I have created two benchmark pages using Slim and Silex micro frameworks, then tested them for speed.
Chrome Developer Tools result:
Slim: 7ms
Silex: 16ms
ApacheBench result:
# Slim
$ ab -n 1 -c 1 'http://localhost/webapps/FrameworksBenchmarking/Slim/data/123'
> 5.008 seconds
# Silex
ab -n 1 -c 1 'http://localhost/webapps/FrameworksBenchmarking/Silex/data/123'
> 0.001 seconds
I don't understand what makes ab
so slow with Slim. Any ideas on this issue?
PS as you can see, there's no problem requesting page in browser. Also, it's fast with curl
Do you use PHP Accelerator? Have you warmed up everything before benchmarking? -n 1 -c 1 doesn't seem sufficient to provide any accurate statistics. Try to increase a number of repetitions.