I am testing with Google's iosched2011 app, and tested with a 4.0.3 simulator.
I am wondering why layout-large-v11 resource does not apply on Android 4.0 WVGA800 phone. It looks like 800*480 is taken as a large screen, and android 4.0's API level is big than 11. So it should apply the resource on that folder in this phone, but it turns out not.
Check in your app how Android sets configuration:
in activity onCreate add this:
Configuration cfg = getApplication().getResources().getConfiguration();
int sz = cfg.screenLayout&cfg.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK;
System.out.println("size: "+sz);
in logcat you'll see number, one of these.
On Samsung Galaxy Nexus with 4,65' screen I get 2 = SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_NORMAL. So you can expect same.
From Docs:
A set of four generalized sizes: small, normal, large, and xlarge
Note: Beginning with Android 3.2 (API level 13), these size groups are deprecated in favor of a new technique for managing screen sizes based on the available screen width. If you're developing for Android 3.2 and greater, see Declaring Tablet Layouts for Android 3.2 for more information.