Suppose i have the following class in C#:
public class B : A
public Int32 B_ID;
public String B_Value;
public Int32 getID()
return B_ID;
public void setID(Int32 value)
B_ID = value;
Based on Reflection, can I get the name of the field used by getID() (and/or) setID() method? (in case, [B_ID]) I'm coding a persistence framework and it would be useful to identify the key name of a table, which is enclosed by both methods above.
It seems that ReturnParameter property of RuntimeMethodInfo has a property called Name that should help me with this, but it's comming null.
To get that RuntimeMethodInfo object, i'm getting Members of an instance of B class using this BindingFlags enums:
How can I get this field name? This behavior should be the same with properties.
Thanks in advance
I am afraid that's impossible because the field name is the part of the implemented code and reflection has no clue how to retrieve it. Persistent frameworks usually use a kind of mapping to provide such information.For example you can use a xml file or you can use attirbutes over your fields to introduce them as key or columns of your table something like this :
public class B : A
public Int32 B_ID;
public String B_Value;
public Int32 getID()
return B_ID;
public void setID(Int32 value)
B_ID = value;