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Repeat headers when using xtable with longtable option

Is there a way to repeat the top row / set headers when generating an xtable with a longtable option ?

For eg., if I have

tableSb <- xtable(df, caption="A Very Long Table", label="ALongTable")
print(tableSb, include.rownames=TRUE, tabular.environment="longtable", floating=FALSE)

This works fine, but when the tables roll over into a new page the headers are not repeated. Any suggestions ?


  • In order to accomplish this, you'll need to use the option of the print function (run ?print.xtable for more information).

    Try this (adapted from a post on R-Forge)

    addtorow          <- list()
    addtorow$pos      <- list()
    addtorow$pos[[1]] <- c(0)
    addtorow$command  <- c(paste(
      "\\hline \n",
      "\\endhead \n",
      "\\hline \n",
      "{\\footnotesize Continued on next page} \n",
      "\\endfoot \n",
      "\\endlastfoot \n",
    x.big <- xtable(
      label = "tabbig",
      caption = "Example of longtable spanning several pages")
      tabular.environment = "longtable",
      floating = FALSE,
      include.rownames = FALSE,  # because addtorow will substitute the default row names = addtorow,     # this is where you actually make the substitution
      hline.after=c(-1))         # because addtorow will substitute the default hline for the first row

    It's a bit clumsy of a solution, but at least it'll provide you with plenty of customization.