I am new to matlab, so forgive me if i am asking for the obvious here: what i have is a collection of color photographic images (all the same dimensions). What i want to do is calculate the median color value for each pixel.
I know there is a median filter in matlab, but as far as i know it does not do exactly what i want. Because i want to calculate the median value between the entire collection of images, for each separate pixel.
So for example, if i have three images, i want matlab to calculate (for each pixel) which colorvalue out of those three images is the median value. How would i go about doing this, does anyone know?
Edit: From what i can come up with, i would have to load all the images into a single matrix. The matrix would have to have 4 dimensions (height, width, rgb, images), and for each pixel and each color find the median in the 4th dimension (between the images). Is that correct (and possible)? And how can i do this?
Expanding my comments into a full answer;
@prototoast's answer is elegant, but since medians for the R, G and B values of each pixel are calculated separately, the output image will look very strange.
To get a well-defined median that makes visual sense, the easiest thing to do is cast the images to black-and-white before you try to take the median.
from the Image Processing toolbox will do this in a way that preserves the luminance of each pixel while discarding the hue and saturation.
If you want to define the "RGB median" as "the middle value in cartesian coordinates" this is easy enough to do for three images.
Consider a single pixel with three possible choices for the median colour, C1=(r1,g1,b1)
, C2=(r2,g2,b2)
, C3=(r3,g3,b3)
. Generally these form a triangle in 3D space.
Take the Pythagorean distance between the three colours: D1_2=abs(C2-C1)
, D2_3=abs(C3-C2)
, D1_3=abs(C3-C1)
Pick the "median" to be the colour that has lowest distance to the other two. Defining D1=D1_2+D1_3
, etc. and taking min(D1,D2,D3)
should work, courtesy of the Triangle Inequality. Note the degenerate cases: equilateral triangle (C1, C2, C3 equidistant), line (C1, C2, C3 linear with each other), or point (C1=C2=C3).
Note that this simple way of thinking about a 3D median is hard to extend to more than three images, because "the median" of a set of four or more 3D points is a bit harder to define.
Edit 2
For defining the "median" of N points as the centre of the smallest sphere that encloses them in 3D space, you could try:
M = (N1+N2)/2
.Edit 3: The above only works if no three points are equidistant. Maybe you need to ask math.stackexchange.com?
Edit 4: Wikipedia delivers again! Smallest circle problem, Bounding sphere.