I have a table in PostgreSQL with the following structure & data:
Question | Answer | Responses
Burger BigMac 8
Burger Whopper 19
Burger Cheeseburger 4
Drink Coke 22
Drink Water 1
Drink Juice 7
Side Salad 8
Side Fries 19
How can I run a query that returns the 'Answer' with the higest 'Responses' for each 'Question'? For the above data I'd want to see something like:
Question | Answer | Responses
Burger Whopper 19
Drink Coke 22
Side Fries 19
I don't have any problems getting the higest 'Response' foreach 'Question', but also pulling out the relevant 'Answer' is proving to be a problem. The SQL that works to get the Question & highest response is:
SELECT Question, MAX(Responses) FROM mytable GROUP BY Question;
Can anybody shed any light on the last part of my equation - showing the relevant Answer?
I have tried this:
SELECT Question, Answer, MAX(Responses) FROM mytable GROUP BY Question;
however Postgres complains that Answer isn't being used in an aggregate or GROUP BY statement. Do I just need to determine all my questions beforehand, then do a SQL query for each question to find the answer with the most responses? I'd rather not go down this messy path, but it's an option I guess.
DISTINCT ON (question)
question, answer, responses
question, responses DESC;