I am using the RailsInstaller 2 package from Engine Yard, which means Ruby 1.9.2-p290 and Rails 3.1.1, on Windows 7 x64.
While attempting the Ruby on Rails Tutorial and after getting autotest and spork to work as intended, it is clear while rspec reported that the tests finished in a few seconds, the actual time consumed is much greater than that and closer to half a minute, a far cry from the split-second response as observed in the screencasts. I am aware that most of that can be attributed to the Rails load time (also evident from amount of time spork spends at the preloading stage), and how JRuby is slower (as compared to Ruby on linux), but 15+s per rspec run on average (with or without spork, taking into account the load times) is quite untenable for TDD. Are there further ways to reduce it to the order of a few seconds, short of switching to Linux?
Edit: is there something wrong with the way I worded this question?
This is probably the best at the moment. An identical setup on Windows translates to mere seconds on Linux. I have not tested on Ruby 1.9.3 but that is unlikely to change the situation significantly.