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Android: NDK setup in windows

I've been planned to develop an Augmented_Reality(AR) application in an android. So I've gone through various of contribution installing a libraries in eclipse(IDE) like artool,qcar sdk and so on, then I've found that NDK installation should be made before getting into artool kit or qcar sdk So I started to install NDK and progressed as they said in below link:

after doing 'Cygwin' installation they wrote to write 'make -v' in console. Hhen I did I got 'GNU make 3.82.90' but theirs is 'GNU make3.81' as:

image 1

where it wasn't as same mine. I know that am using updated cygwin but my problem is I can't able to get .so file as they mentioned accordingly in eclipse. So could you tell me, where I made junk and how can I recover to run AR application in eclipse. Thank you!


  • When you are installing cygwin (I used a wizard) make sure you open the DEVEL tree and install MAKE (binary is fine, no need for source).

    I also get all the GCC and MINGW stuff just in case.

    Perhaps uninstall cygwin, and reinstall using the wizard and ensure MAKE is selected from DEVEL tree.