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How do I use executeQuery in grails testcase?

How do I use executeQuery in grails testcase?

A error : groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method ***.executeQuery() is applicable for argument types: () values: []

I have already called mockDomain.

By the way, it is in unit test.



  • There's no support for HQL queries in unit tests yet, but we're working on it. But you shouldn't be doing persistence tests with mocks. Persistence tests should be done against a database in an integration test.

    I usually move HQL queries to the domain class as static query methods. This way they're easy to mock in a unit test of a controller, service, etc. and then I test the method as part of the domain class integration test.

    For example I'd have

    class User {
       String username
       String password
       static List findAllUsersBlahBlah(String foo, boolean bar) {
          executeQuery('from User u where ...')

    Then in a unit test I can mock that method with fake data since I don't care about persistence in a controller unit test - I know that it's properly tested in the correct place and I want to focus on the class under test, not its collaborators:

    def users = [new User(...), new User(...)]
    User.metaClass.static.findAllUsersBlahBlah = { String foo, boolean bar -> users }