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Joomla show subcategory image on category page?

Is there a way, beside creating yet another MYSQL connection, to retrieve subcategory image while browsing parent category page?

For example:

  • Main category (set as category as blog)
    • Subcategory 1 (image set in Basic options image field)
    • Subcategory 2 (image set in Basic options image field)
    • Subcategory 3 (image set in Basic options image field)
    • ....

Now, when i browse 'Main category', it display categories title and description of subcategories, but I cant find any 'normal' way to retrieve image that i set in basic option.

The only way that I can make to work is to create another MYSQL call and retrieve image from database, but I would like to know if there is another more effective way.

Im using Joomla 2.5.



  • I suggest you override the output of the content so that you can add some code to output your images.





    Then edit your new override file, just below:

    <span class="item-title"><a href="<?php echo JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($child->id));?>">
        <?php echo $this->escape($child->title); ?></a>


    <div class="item-image">
        <?php echo '<img src="'.json_decode($child->params)->image . '" />'; ?>

    See Joomla docs for Component Output Types and Layout Overrides.