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syslog - log line classifications

A very generic question; in the context of a programmer, with operational aspect of the process (program) in mind.

Is there any sort of best-practice / guide to classify messages, particularly in the context of SaaS / multi-tenancy (server) software environment, which would be generating errors and warnings due to user actions or misconfiguration. Due to the nature of the software, most modules that I am having to deal with, are stateless; i.e when an error happens due to user-error, it is quite hard to distinguish between that and an operational error (like network misconfiguration, etc).

What I want to know is from some of you experienced folks; what is the sensible logic to be employed here, in order to make it easy for the operations boys/girls to classify these messages, and identify problems?


  • Just three aspects from an admin and log analysis/classification perspective:

    • Make the tag field/program name configurable. Then one can configure multiple instances to use log tags like app/user_1, app/user_2 etc., allowing for fast and simple filters on the syslog level.
    • Structure you messages from left to right, so one can filter different categories of log lines with simple search patterns or regular expression. E.g. config error - cannot parse line 123 or runtime warning - lost connection to DB xyz
    • For very structured logs you might also take a look at the 'structured data' field in syslog-protocol. So far it is rarely used and without tool support, but it allows for application log messages with namespaces and very clear key-value-attributes.