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How to query flags stored as enum in NHibernate
I have three tables - Recipient
, Message
, MessageType
MessageType looks like this:
| ID | Description |
| 1 | JobAlert |
| 2 | Newsletter |
| 3 | SpecialOffer |
| 4 | Survey |
contains an integer column which is used as a bitfield; recipients can choose what types of message they want to receive; If a recipient wants to receive newsletters and special offers, we'll set their bitfield to (2 ^ 2) | (2 ^ 3)
contains a reference to MessageTypeId
, and computed column MessageTypeBitFlag
which is defined as POWER(2, MessageTypeId)
My query expressed in SQL looks something like:
SELECT * FROM Message, Recipient
WHERE Recipient.MessageTypeBitField & Message.MessageTypeBitFlag > 0
by doing a bitwise-AND on the bitfield and bitflag columns, it's easy to select only the messages that a particular recipient is interested in.
Problem is, I'm not doing this in SQL - I need to add this as an additional option to a fairly rich system built on the NHibernate Criteria API.
Is there any way to express this criteria via the NHibernate API - either using the API or by adding an SQL/HQL clause to the existing criteria?
OK, here's a specific implementation based on this linked post submitted by Firo, because I had to adapt this a little to make it work:
/// <summary>An NHibernate criterion that does bitwise comparison to match a bit flag against a bitmask.</summary>
public class BitMask : LogicalExpression {
private BitMask(string propertyName, object value, string op) :
base(new SimpleExpression(propertyName, value, op), Expression.Sql("?", 0, NHibernateUtil.Int64)) {
protected override string Op {
get { return ">"; }
/// <summary>Create a bitwise filter criterion - i.e. one that will be satisified if <code><paramref name="propertyName"/> & <paramref name="bits"/> > 0</code></summary>
public static BitMask Matches(string propertyName, long bits) {
return new BitMask(propertyName, bits, " & ");
and then use it via the Criteria API as follows:
public IEnumerable<Message> GetMessagesForRecipient(Recipient r) {
var messages = session.CreateCriteria<Message>()
.Add(BitMask.Matches("MessageTypeBitFlag ", r.MessageTypeBitField))