I am using Factory Girl to create two instances in my model/unit test for a Group. I am testing the model to check that a call to .current returns only the 'current' groups according to the expiry attribute as per below...
describe ".current" do
let!(:current_group) { FactoryGirl.create(:group, :expiry => Time.now + 1.week) }
let!(:expired_group) { FactoryGirl.create(:group, :expiry => Time.now - 3.days) }
specify { Group.current.should == [current_group] }
My problem is that I've got validation in the model that checks a new group's expiry is after today's date. This raises the validation failure below.
1) Group.current
Failure/Error: let!(:expired_group) { FactoryGirl.create(:group, :expiry => Time.now - 3.days) }
Validation failed: Expiry is before todays date
Is there a way to forcefully create the Group or get around the validation when creating using Factory Girl?
This isn't very specific to FactoryGirl, but you can always bypass validations when saving models via save(validate: false)
describe ".current" do
let!(:current_group) { FactoryGirl.create(:group) }
let!(:old_group) do
g = FactoryGirl.build(:group, expiry: Time.now - 3.days)
g.save(validate: false)
specify { Group.current.should == [current_group] }