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How can I assign different symbols to different groups in a lattice plot?

Say I have 3 groups with 3 dots each on the plot and I need a black & white version where the 3 dots of the 3 groups are all displayed with different symbols. How should I specify the panel.superpose function?


  • I tend to use the same general strategy laid out in the blog post you linked to.

    Starting with standard.theme(), you can make tweaks to settings until you have a customized theme that best fits your own needs. Once you've got something you like, you can just plug it in via the par.settings argument whenever you want to use it.

    # Start work on your own black-and-white theme
    myTheme <- standard.theme(col = FALSE)
    myTheme$superpose.symbol$pch <-1:7
    # These are the kinds of commands you can use to explore the list of available
    # settings as well as their current settings.
    # Compare the results of your own theme to those produce by lattice's
    # default settings.
    p1 <- xyplot(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length, group= Species, data = iris,
                 main = "lattice's default theme")
    p2 <- xyplot(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length, group= Species, data = iris,
                 par.settings = myTheme,
                 main = "My customized theme")
    grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol=2)

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