They say that taking what someone said, and repeating it back is the best form of verifying the basics of a concept (comprehension). So, I've been reading about A* and translated it into pseudocode, and I think I got it. Can anyone verify and/or give tips on whether or not this implementation would work?
Sorry if this is rushed, I'm on break at work ;)
openList.Add startTile
While openList.Count > 0 and PathFound = false
activeTile = openList.GetTileWithLowestPathCost
openList.remove activeTile
closeList.add activeTile
if targetTile.equals(activeTile)
pathFound = true
for each activeTile.neighbors as nTile
if nTile not in openList and not in closeList and IsMovable
nTile.parent = activeTile
nTile.hueristic = computeHeuristic
nTile.movementCost = computeMovementCost
nTile.pathCost = nTile.hueristic + nTile.movementCost
openList.add nTile
elseif isMovable = false
closelist.add nTile
if pathFound = true
while activeTile.parent is not nothing
path.insertAtZero activeTile
activeTile = activeTile.parent
Well one major issue with your pseudo code and one minor issue.
The major issue:
When you find nTile
, it might be in closed
or in open
already, and in your implementation - you ignore it and skip it. However, if it is in closed or open, you should check maybe the path cost you just found is better then the path cost which is in closed
or open
, and if it is, remove it from closed
and re-insert it to open
with the new path cost.
The minor issue:
Sometimes there is more then one target node [there is a set of target nodes, you are looking for a path to one of them]. So instead of if targetTile.equals(activeTile)
you can check if heuristicValue(activeTile) == 0
[assuming the heuristic function is admissible] or check if activeTile is in targetStates