i m just stuck with a vxml element in an ssml file in tropo. tropo does not recognize
interpret="time" and i have to put interpret="vxml:time".
But I need to also define the format attribute format:"hms12". so i write this:
<say-as interpret-as="vxml:time" format="hms12">243P</say-as> </s>
but it keeps pronouncing it like three integers.
i searched everywhere for the right syntax but couldn't find something.
I believe that is the default format for Tropo. Leave out the format attribute and make format your value as "0243p" for 2:43 PM, instead of "243P" as you have it. If you do not have your value in the exact format from the source of the data I would just convert it to this format rather than trying to force Tropo to conform to its format.