I have some scripts run after changes are pushed through a timer and they worked fine in using the proper head, but a force build after those had completed did not succeed. The same slave is being used. Here is a wrapper command for pull/update in master.cfg
def repo_update( conf ):
repo = "ssh://buildbot@repo//Users/buildbot/repo"
repository = Mercurial( repourl=repo, branchType='inrepo', defaultBranch='devel')
conf.addStep( repository )
In the log it executes the following commands,
/usr/local/bin/hg pull --verbose ssh://buildbot@repo//Users/buildbot/repo
/usr/local/bin/hg identify --num --branch
/usr/local/bin/hg paths default
/usr/local/bin/hg update --clean --repository build --rev 15f87a21bf8aa00d642c2ebbd73a6da161815eaa
/usr/local/bin/hg identify --id --debug
Both logs have the same list of commands and they execute fine. But, in the forcebuild the script has a different argument for --rev
--an older head; I'm not even sure where it is grabbing that number, it's not mentioned anywhere else in the script or logs, must be coming from the server, but how do I specify the head or NOT specify it? Am I adding the proper step to the repo?
I had the same problem until I added alwaysUseLatest=True. In your case I suppose you could use:
repository = Mercurial(