Search code examples

Return distance in elasticsearch results?

My question is similar to this one.

Simply, is there a way to return the geo distance when NOT sorting with _geo_distance?

Update: To clarify, I want the results in random order AND include distance.


  • Yes you can, by using a script field.

    For instance, assuming your doc have a geo-point field called location, you could use the following:

    (note the \u0027 is just an escaped single quote, so \u0027location\u0027 is really 'location')

    curl -XGET ''  -d '
       "script_fields" : {
          "distance" : {
             "params" : {
                "lat" : 2.27,
                "lon" : 50.3
             "script" : "doc[\u0027location\u0027].distanceInKm(lat,lon)"
    # [Thu Feb 16 11:20:29 2012] Response:
    # {
    #    "hits" : {
    #       "hits" : [
    #          {
    #             "_score" : 1,
    #             "fields" : {
    #                "distance" : 466.844095463887
    #             },
    #             "_index" : "geonames_1318324623",
    #             "_id" : "6436641_en",
    #             "_type" : "place"
    #          },
    ... etc

    If you want the _source field to be returned as well, then you can specify that as follows:

    curl -XGET ''  -d '
       "fields" : [ "_source" ],
       "script_fields" : {
          "distance" : {
             "params" : {
                "lat" : 2.27,
                "lon" : 50.3
             "script" : "doc[\u0027location\u0027].distanceInKm(lat,lon)"